Georgianna's Thoughts
Martha's Soliloquy
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Martha’s Soliloquy


*lights come up on Martha*

     A bride, can you believe it?!? A bride!  Not only a bride, but to Peter!  Oh my Peter!  I know I’m getting myself into a hard life, but it is worth it!  He really loves me, I know so many women think their husbands love them, and maybe they do but none of them love them like my Peter loves me!


     I know if Abby heard me say this she would be viciously mad at me!  Haha, she has every right to be too.  If Peter were my brother, I think I would be sick of hearing fan-girls fawn over him as well, which is why I never fawn around her.  Too many times I’ve seen her loose her temper with fawning fan-girls.  Oh Abby! *laughs*


     I do remember how mad she was when Peter and I started dating though!  It wasn’t actually because we were dating, but it was because I was the one who told her!  It was a couple days after we started going out and Peter hadn’t told her yet.  I didn’t know that, so when she and I talked on the phone one evening I mentioned something about it.  Mainly, I said something because she had not.  She started fuming!  I can only imagine how angry she must’ve gotten with Pete.  They’re good at talking about things though, so my guess is she cooled off before she confronted him.


     On the level I can understand why she started fuming, I do.  To have your brother’s girlfriend tell you that…*pauses* yeah, I can see how that would be hurtful.  It doesn’t really matter though; she got over it and was incredibly happy for us.  Plus, I know Pete told her a head of time before he and I got engaged. *smiles and looks at her hand*


     Ruhe though, poor Ruhe…!  We went about the wrong way of telling her.  We accidentally threw it on her and she had no clue what had happened.  She was so happy for us, but I could see that she was, well, I guess hurt that we hadn’t come to her earlier.  Then again, it wasn’t as if anyone knew particularly early on in the relationship what was happening.


     This family has been so wonderful to me though.  Even after everything Peter and I went about the wrong way of doing when we started dating they welcomed us into their family with open arms!  Abby and Ruhe, and Peter and Abby’s parents too.  I know how lucky I am to be marrying into this family.


     Not only is this family incredibly caring towards me, but my two best friends are in it.  Ruhe and Abby will now be my sisters!  Well, sort of,*laughs* I do wish Ruhe was related to the family as much as she feels and acts like she is.  The first time I went over to Abby’s; I asked Ruhe if she thought it would be okay if I came.  Ruhe didn’t actually call Abby; she called Abby and Peter’s parents!  When I got there with Ruhe, Abby was completely okay with the fact that I was there!  I couldn’t believe how much of a family Abby, Peter, and Ruhe were!  I still can’t and now I just feel lucky to be marrying into such an accepting and loving family! *pauses*


     A bride!  Can you believe it?  A bride!  Not only a bride, but a bride to Peter, my Peter!  I’m so lucky!

*lights go down on Martha*

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