Georgianna's Thoughts
Abigail's Soliloquy
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Abigail’s Soliloquy


*lights come up on Abigail*


     This is one for the record books!  *laughs and stops*   Well, actually, no, it’s really not.  I never had any doubt that Pete’d get married.  The fact that he’s marrying Martha is just wonderful!  Talk about making a happy occasion even happier!


      I still remember when Pete and Martha first met.  Ruhe brought Martha over and the three of us became friends immediately!  I remember Ruhe, Martha, and I were sitting around talking, laughing, and giggling.  Then in walks Pete and I’m the first to look up and I watch him as he sees Martha for the first time.  His eyes went SO wide, like you would not believe!  He hid it before she looked up, but I saw that look.


      Later that night I knocked on his door and invaded his room. *laughs* We did that a lot; invade each other’s rooms without asking.  *sadly* I guess that’s all over now. *recovering* Anyway, I went in and asked him if he liked Martha.  I was teasing him, I’ll admit, but I knew the answer was yes.  When he admitted to it ~ I didn’t quite know how to react, even though I knew…I don’t know.  It was confusing.  All I knew then and all I know now is that I want my brother to be happy and safe, no matter what it takes.


     Pete and I have had our ups and downs, of course, but I know he’s always there for me and he knows I’m always there for him.  The night Martha told me she and Pete were dating I went into Pete’s room around midnight and woke him up.  He was thoroughly displeased with me for waking him, to say the least.  I didn’t care and once we started talking neither did he.  I needed to talk and that was clear to him.  We spent the whole night talking and were both hopeless in school the next day, but we talked things out and we both felt better. 


     We owe Ruhe for that, she’s the one who helped us learn how to talk to each other.  If it hadn’t been for her, we would always have worked things out, but it might have taken days instead of hours.*smiles*


      This is one for the record books, but it’s not.  Pete and Martha deserve each other and a good life, they’ll have one, I know.  They love each other and that’s all I could ever have hoped for them and all I can ever hope for myself.

*lights go down on Abigail*

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