Georgianna's Thoughts
*Ruhe's Soliloquy*
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Ruhe’s Soliloquy

*lights come up on Ruhe*

     Haha, is this possible? Peter getting married? Well, I

suppose it is, but, it seems only yesterday when I had first

introduced him to Martha and he couldn’t even get up the nerve

to ask her out! I’m glad he finally did though, they’re perfect

together. I honestly can’t think of a better couple.


     That first night after he met her he was crying! Not hard, but

he did weep a bit. Martha needed to leave our get together early

to do homework, but I was staying overnight with Peter and

Abby. I asked them both what they thought about Martha. The

responses where interesting to say the least!


     Abby’s response was what one might expect…I liked her,

she seemed really sweet, and something along the lines of, I’d

like to see her again. Peter’s was more than a little different. It

was something along the lines of…I think I’m in love.


     Abby and I laughed ourselves silly with that. That’s when

Pete began to cry, it was very sad. He begged us to believe

him, that he had never seen anyone as beautiful as Martha ever

in his life, and would never see anyone more beautiful. Abby

and I were in shock, but we surrendered and pretended to

believe Pete for the time being.


     I have no idea how long Abby and I kept his secret about

Martha, but it was close to two years. For most of that time we

passed it off to teenage infatuation. Finally, Peter got up the

nerve to ask Martha out. He didn’t tell anyone for a long while,

and I found when I walked in on them kissing one evening!

Abby had known only a day before I did, so I wasn’t

particularly left out of any information, but it was definitely a

shocking way to find out the were dating.


     Even after everyone found out they were dating, none of us

thought it would last, until Peter’s proposal. I think Abby had

more faith than most, after they’d dated for several years, but

the rest of us kept waiting for the big break. I won’t deny that I

am glad it never came!


     I am so happy to see them married! I still can’t believe it,

but I am truly happy for them and for all the rest of us! To

welcome Martha into our-I mean their family, I’m so happy for


*lights go down on Ruhe*

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